The first ultramarathon Chepelare tyrkalo (for cyclists and runners - 80 km total distance)

Chepelare tyrkalo, as a rule, it was hard, but nice contest with great views, consisting of four tyrkalo (second and last for about 18km, and the first and third more than 22 km). In the beginning of the race all huqnah forward, as if involved in some sort of sprinta discipline, and I was the last to not rushing on others to follow their own pace and have enough stamina to whole distance. Gradually I started to ispreserved quite bikers, because the marks runners have an advantage over them.

Marking was very good except one place in the first tyrkalo (on the descent before the photoelectric ce difference that is not noticeable from the main trail, also remove one stone, and if you do not turn special attention, especially if you move fast or your wheels, you miss it and you are on the wide main track, which is not, and should be placed Hicks not to use since it is not clear from the primary markings), where I took the wrong way, together with a few cyclists and I held on to the 5km (2,5 down and the same up), before returning to the last place I saw the sign, as when descending long time I was never like this and ushmma. Because of this unnecessary deviations have not excessive even in the first tyrkalo that is the easiest and most pleasant to work with. Second tyrkalo was the most difficult and includes 8.5-9km constant steep ascent with a somewhat murky plot.

On the third tyrkalo after otkrepitelnyh paragraph over several kilometres were very dirty area, which with a little patience, you could scan to remove without scales. While tyrkalo rise on the stones, where cyclists must push the bike, but the more difficult part, really, trynot descent in the second half of this phase. There could Rassegna crystite links from outer side of the knee on one leg, predpolagal due to improper method of descent on a steep slope - I tried slowing down, as the slopes are small steps in a whole step, and almost stretched legs. You need to find a better way. Physically I was in excellent condition and could increase the speed if you wish, especially after he dealt with two mentally minicruise marks. This time I was without my orthotics, but with two pairs of socks, and my feet remained in very good condition without presci (even one that I had before the race, not wipe and burst). Ankle also had no problems - unlike the Tour of Vitosha, where the filling these in the whole step I took was wrong (I was looking to step on toes-heel, especially with the levels) and I was not sick. I have made the right choice shorts, and I have proterivanja on the inner surface of the thighs. Drank more water than in the previous race, what was involved, and I've used quite less food otkrepitelnyh post. Even on the main square of the town of Chepelare, where it begins and ends any tyrkalo did not hurt, did not even notice that it has.

In the fourth tyrkalo has a very pleasant climb - trail with stones and flows in many places, the water, which easily can be circumvented. A few kilometers after the start there is a fountain. After the first 7km passed this last tyrkalo it was dark, and had to use celnik, but then went down a thick fog that rozsavage artificial light, and I only see about half of one meter distance. Very difficult I think for the marking, but in 21 hours, was already get to the Mechi chal and in the last podkreplen item. There overtook me and minder who was sent to look for me. The organizers were worried about me (I was the last one remaining in the mirror - all the rest were either made up, or you have been refused), and the police and mountain rescue services were turned off to continue due to very dense fog, and also because of the presence of bears. In any case, I'm only 8 km descent to the end at 3 hours in the designated race time, I felt in excellent condition, I'm not tired, so the goal is to finish all the distance was achieved (besides, I went on to 5 km in the beginning of the race) for half my time I could finish the descent (provided that is not lost in the fog or not met a bear), but wyobrazic with the ban on rescue services. Took me by car to Chepelare in about an hour, and left me to the end and finishing. This in no way affects your rating because next to me he finished only 3 tyrkalo and the rest even less. I was the sixth.

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